Tuesday, December 21, 2021



they faced towards the light

or what they thought was the only bright

all of the he and she

holding hands

not making sense 

of words without images

images with no words

convinced of


understanding and awareness


they stumbled and gave birth

the next age

was of blindfolded thought 

and  logic

based on a fading memory of bright

and an unexpected tumble

Ahmet Cafer Celebiler

December 22, 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021



Bu Tarihten   Önce

İlaçlarda, paketli gıdalarda bazı patlayıcılarda oldoğu gibi aile fertleri için de son kullaım tarihi vardır. Yazılı, etiketli olanlar reçetelerde, tanı ve epikriz raporlarında görülür. Hislerde ve düşüncelerde olanlar ise psikoloji ve psikiyatri ve psiko-analiz süreçlerinde anlaşılabilir, irdelenebilir. 

Birincinin geçiştirilmesi finansal ve fiziki varlığın azalması, bitirilmesi, yok olması veya başka diyarlara göçmesi ile gerçekleşir. 

Düşünsel veya hissi son kullanım tarihleri ilkel kabilelerde ve kin ve hınçların fiziki çözümlenme yöntemlerinin geleneksel kültürün kapsamında olduğu ortamlarda, ve yaygın inanç sistemlerinde şiddet kullanılmasın, ani veya süreli halletme yoludur.

İlkelliktan kendini kurtarabilmiş veya fiziksel şiddet kullanabilme becerisi veya gücü olmayanlar, söz ile son kullanım tarihlerinin gereğini sağlayabilirler.

Fiziki ve sözel şiddet son tarihini değiştirmese bile kullanımı kısıtlayabileceği gibi mıntıka temizliğine yol açabilir. 

Aile fertleri de devletler ve güvenlik güçlerinde olduğu gibi şiddet uygulamalarında kararlı, haklı ve hatta, bazen, yabancı güçlerin etkileri altında kalmışlardır, sorulduğu zaman. Kendilerini sorgulamak alışkanlık ve eğitim ve inanç, ve öz tanımlarına karşıdır. Bu tür bir sorgulama aklın kenarından köşesinden geçse bile kendine ihanet olarak algılanır ve dağrcıktaki diğer bilişsel tutarsızlıklar arasında gizlenir.

Ahmet Cafer Çelebiler

December 9, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021




Varsayım olmanın acısı faraziye veya sanılıktan daha ağırdır.  Faraziye hayal gücü ister, sanı ise pek bilimsel olmasa da muhakeme sonucu ortaya çıkar. En yaygını olan varsayım, en güçlü olarak insanlar arası ilişkilerde  belirir, ve bir kere gerçekte olmayan mantığa yerleşti mi ilaçla, kanunla hatta damardan zerk edilen serum veya idamla tedavi edilemez.

Politikacılar, iş adamları, bilim adamları, açıktaki ve gizli güvenlik güçleri, hacılar, hocalar. eşler bu üç kavramı. anlamlarınn tüm yelpazesinde olmasa da bilerek ve bilmiyerek şahıs değerlendirmelerinde, cehalet seviyelerine uysa da uymasa da  kullanıp dururlar. Başkalarına verdikleri zararı algılamayan iyi niyetliler de; özellikle zarar vermek isteyen kötü niyetliler de.

Beceriler ve başarılar ve estetik varsayımlar beğenilir, hoşlanılır; ta ki aniden veya değişik zamanlı süreçler olgunlaştığında izleyenler için geçersiz, kişi için de ıstırap, hatta kahır nedeni olurlar.

Akraba. taallukat ve sosyal olan veya olmayan çevre söz ve davranışlarını değişen varsayımlar temelinde, fark ederek veya algılamadan gerçekleştirir se vay haline kişinin. Varsayım düzeltmesi cerrahi müdahale veya mekan değişikliği gerektirir. Her ikisi de başka alemleri tanımlarında taşırlar.

Ahmet Cafer Çelebiler

6 Aralık, 2021



Thursday, November 25, 2021

identifying Your Self


Self in a Crowd

Identity in a Cloud

the first is recorded by security and insecurity cameras

the second is plucked from written stuff and thoughts

some to be archived

self to be shelved

we are rain and sleet, hail and snow 

sometimes even visible enough

to be identified 

we are emperors and royalty

with real or imposed pedigree

revered but not remembered by crowds of all sizes

we are in line-ups

discarded playlists

unpinned posters 

Not always

But possibly sometimes

kept within a niche

in an arctic crevice

or a molecular


ahmet  25 November 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Foundation and Demise of Religion


A Long Overdue Elegy or Eulogy

I feel I am wriggling
within a peloton
without mingling
bereaving like a skeleton
confused with the spokes of the cycle

But spokes do not make a wheel 
circumpolar animism missed 
barely, but naturally missed
a place in the  divine compendium
like a Mustel harmonium 
in an orchestra of bagpipes

All of us
humans and animal and insect beings
blow out 
tones and lyrics
through pipes and reeds 

the world  becomes an orb 

Yet, this time around

 the spirits in their homes stay

Ahmet sensing another world

November 23, 2021

Sunday, November 7, 2021



Venüs gezegen olarak sıradan insanlara Kuzeyi, bulutlarının arkasındakileri hayal eden büyücülere  ulvi varlıkları, kendilerinin Merihden geldiğini sanıp Venüs heykelinin resminden  hoşlananlara şehveti belirledi.  Kadınların farklı olduğunu iddia eden erkeklik tanımlarını evrensel bilen abilere de  kültür sundu.

Zühre yimibeş yaşında. Henüz adının anlamını öğrenmemiş. Acımasız okul arkadaşlarının cehaletle ve bilgisizce ismini bir gurup hastalık ile bağdaştırmasıyla sulh olamamış. Tahiri ise hiç tanımamış. Ne padişah bilir ne vezir. Afroditi kızdırır bu vurdum duymaz cehalet. 

Çıkar gelir Merih. Erkek mi erkek, yakışıklı mı yakışıklı. Tam baba olacak adam. tam bir ruh ikizi.

Biri nemli, bulutlu, gizemli, diğeri sert, kuru, havasız ama  yumuşak doku kıvrımları ile  kas engebeleri birbirlerini cezbeder. Eder de radyasyon değil ki aşk dalgaları geçebilsin yararak olmayan atmosferi ve yoğun bulutları. Güneşin korumasız Merihe erişerek kıpkızıl yapması, temiz,. pak, günahlarından arıtması, günahın kelimesinden bile korkan zühreye afroditin erişmesini engelledi.

Merih başını çevirmeden geçti. Zühre ise sanki kolları kesikmiş gibi hareketsiz kaldı. Tahir  kurtuldu makus talihinden.

Zühre de sessiz, sakin Kuzeyi gösterdi durdu, bulutlarının altındaki fırtınalar sadece bir kaç güçlü büyücü ve iki tane şaman tarafından anlaşılıp sonraki nesillere saklandı.

Saturday, November 6, 2021



Buralardan Kaçmak

Yakınlarda bir zaman, zamanların içinde veya dışında ailelerinden, otoriteden, oyuncaksızlıktan filan sıkılan eski yılların çocukları bir çıkın hazırlayıp, onu bır dalın ucuna takıp, daha hoş veya eğlenceli veya heyecanlı bir yaşama giderlerdi, o mekanın sadece bır kac yüz metre veya iki, üç sokak ötede olduğunu algılamak istemiyerek.

Yeni çocukluğumda ben de benzer bir arayış veya kaçış düşünüyorum, otoritesiz, sorumsuz ve oyuncakları olacağını umduğum bir diyara.

Çıkınlar geleneksel olarak küçüktür, taşıyan çocuk büyük insan cisminde olsa da.  İleri yaş çıkınlarına somun ekmek ve peynir konmaz herhalde. Çikolata, Ciklet  naylon çorap gibi modası geçmiş savaş zamanı rüşvetleridir, asker çantalarının gizli bölmelerinde taşınan.

Müzik kayıtları, meşhurların eserleri veya fotoğrafları uzay kapsüllerine veya gömülen özel madeni sandıklara konup unutulur.

İleri yaş çıkınlarında en çok hatıralar bulunur. Çucuklarla, torunlarla, eşinizle gülüşmeler, heyecanlar, keşifler, görüntüler, ve hepsini paylaşma mutlulukları ve o mutluluk hislerinin zaman kristallerinde saklanmış, yer çekimine de kara deliklere de dayanıklı zerreleri.

Ahmet Cafer Çelebiler

7 Kasım, 2021

Sunday, October 31, 2021




Büyük insanlar da çocukdurlar, çucukluklarını izci üniforması veya dönen dantelli etek ile yaşamış olsalar veya olmasalar. 

Yıllar, yıllar önce dipsiz sanılan kuyulardan, masal kötülerinden korkulurdu. Sonra dipsiz kuyuların da kötülerin de insanların arasında, içlerinde. karşısında olduğu bazıları tarafından anlaşılır hale geldi. Bu kabul etmesi çok güç görüş, kısa insan hayatının düşünebilme becerisi süresine sığmak istemedi. Dışarı taşınca da sıvı, katı ve gaz olması zorlaştı. Belki de halen son yılların modasına uyabilme ümidiyle plazma veya zaman kristali halinde varlığını sürdürmeye çaba gösteriyordur, yer çekimi gbi insan çekimine karşı gelerek. 

Bozulan oyuncağının çalışmamasını cezalandırmak için oraya buraya atan çocuk ve ayağı taşa takılıp düşen kızını düşerek kendisini streslendirdiği için tokatlayan veya çimdikliyerek çekiştiren veli ile karısının veya kocasının sorunlarını kendisine karşı bir tutum olarak değerlendirme kolaylığını yeğleyen eşler dipsiz kuyuların dehşetini ve masal kötülerinin acımasızlıklarını vazgeçmedikleri çıkınlarında taşırlarken yer çekimini de insan çekimini de dışlarlar, yaşamlarındaki zaman kristallerini yok sayarak. .

Ahmet Cafer Çelebiler

31 Ekim, 2021

Sunday, September 5, 2021




The proposed new theory of gravity is based on the postulation that the entire universe is composed of only two fundamental particles with few binary characteristics. The theory reconciles quantum gravity with general relativity. It explains the mass/gravity duality.

So, duality can be explained

in my mind

and in that of the politically insane

a grave insult

to them and to me

punishable by a hefty fine

and incarceration

in a cell

or within a particle 

with almost no differentiating characteristics.

What happens to all the cells

created on a whim

and at random

by a drained brain 

in a skull 

with two subdural hematoma cavities?

Monday, August 30, 2021



My Backyard Which Tried a New Quantum  Leap Leaving Einstein Behind

a  tree trunk

wide and low

to rest food and drink

untrimmed roots

a tangle of prosopagnosia


spring like strings

and the singularities

my universe

the centripetal force law of proportionality

sole explanation of anxiety

and society

pictured as limbs of graviton

a flux?

nay, a time dilation

a many dimensional attraction

to words, 

to theories 

of assumptions

infinitely nascent

ACC August 28, 2021

the brain

Thursday, August 19, 2021



Too many years ago, in Riyadh, a Cypriot neighbor's five year old son confessed to hiding his mother's wedding ring, There was a huge search in the simple accommodation provided by the employer, but the ring did not show up. And Christos never remembered where it was hidden, although he was proud that he had found the best hiding place.

As time flies as it is meant to, we hide other things,  mostly memories, experiences, esoteric knowledge, faces, names, mathematical and magical and mystical formulas, unnecessary useless derivatives and integrals or vectors.

Some of these are secreted away intentionally. Other thoughts, data and feelings are unintentionally put into rooms with strong doors and locks and chains, requiring significant and sometimes, tortuous and painful dispensation to break in, even possibly some not very welcome bodily invasion. When this type of cache is opened the stuff found in the room and through the invasion may easily become subjects of fearful dreams. That is a part of what life is about, I say, "Just bear it and continue rolling the ball of worthless, wormless compost towards the looming horizon."

Ahmet C. Celebiler

August 19, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021




503. Kazıma Yöntemi

Bu yöntem her zaman umulan sonuçları vermez. Zaten kullanma amaçları da bilimsel kabul görmeyebilir, arif ve bilge insanlar ve öyle olsun olmasın, tarihçiler, tarafından.

Dersimizin laboratuarına katılmanız ve deneylerde gösterdiğiniz ilerleme başarı notunuzun önemli bir kısmını oluşturacaktır. Laboratuarda, ihtiyacınız olacak her türlü alet, edevat bulunmaktadır. Yani çomak, çapa, tırmık, matkap, büyüteç, mikroskop, ters bakmalı dürbün, hipermetrop ve astigmat cözlükler bulunmaktadır. Daha kapsamlı alan çalışmaları içi ise elektrikli kepçe veya endoskopi cihazları getirtilebilir.

İlk öğrenmeniz gereken amacınıza ve çalışma alanınıza uygun aletlerin seçimidir. Çok eskiden geçmiş zamanlar ile yeni dönemler arasında ve bilgi ile his ve görüş arasında uygulama farklılıkları olduğunu bilmeniz konferanslardaki dikkatinize ve iç güdülerinizin gücüne bağlıdır.

Aşağıda listelenen konulardan bir tanesini seçerek, bir uygulama planı hazırlamak ilk ödevinizdir:

1. Yeni dönem (son on yıl) sanatsal hafıza

2. Eski dönem  (geçmiş yirmi ila otuz yıl arası) politik hafıza

3. Rahme düşme ile üç yaş arası duygular

4. İlk Okul ve Orta Okulda kazanılanlar

5. Lise ve üniversite yıllarında amaçlı veya amaçsız olarak öğretilen yanlış bilgilerin etkisi.

Kitaptan ve/veya internetten bölümler eklemeniz yasaktır. Benim eski yazılarımdan yararlanırsanız  gerekli noktalama işaretleri ve dip notlarla belirtilmelidir.

Süreniz  geçen dönem incelediğiniz izotoplardan en kısa yaşamlısının yarı ömrü kadardır.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

non-algorithmic mentor professor of  psycho-philosophy

15 Agustos, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021



Nature's Inhumanity to Nature

A tree  is  what nature is

an apricot tree

married to a small paved yard

longer than my marriage

nourished by love

fruited after twenty years

in sympathy

to aging inhabitants 

and to

the suffering of its family members

from wild fires

long way away.

with a silent request

for the pits of the fruit to be saved

in the damp compost of my memories

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Male psychology is not as much into compensation for grievances as female mindology when the grievance  may be classified as mythical-emotional. Yet muscular memory plays an important role in male compensation, especially when there is no financial judgement that materializes in  a modern world with no surviving Oedipi and too many dominating matriarchs. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021



Shearing off unwanted growth

is a delight

when the growth  is a weed

or when it is a fungus 


but the shearing of 

views, beliefs, perspectives

is best when all of these are


In years and other times

when there were no containers 

to contain them

in shapes to shape them

thoughts to think them

And when they are eaten, 

and consumed

and boxed

and shaped

and thought

There is still no memory 

of the unwanted

and even of the wanted

ACC  02/08/2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021



astigmatic observation

common for political eyes

denied by family and fellows

measured by uncaring equipment

used to provide for the seemingly caring


reptile tears

resulted also 

in the collapse of my tennis career

when joined by my paradoxical eyes

one far sight

one near sight

combined for cognitive discrepancy

culprit of so many missed balls,

and missed meanings 

badly aimed shots 

when the recommended arm stretch

or the wished mind stretch

became  inoperative jokes

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

All Be It



Sometimes life pays you by the number of letters you use.

Hence the real. Capitalized Title.

Anniversaries are nothing like real ones

whatever they may be

firsts, lasts, farewells

junked cars, typewriters, loves, crushes

then comes one who is a never ending pause

between dull operatic episodes

many with same actors

and similar characters

and toiling coils which do not produce

an amp of compassion 

or high passion 

or exhilaration.

The real season 

with myriad episodes

developing, changing, 

eager characters

always remembering their lines

and moves on the stage

with no fear of finding another part

or appearing in another episode

strangely satisfied

satisfactorily strange

mimicking their years

and ages

and anniversaries 

during all the ages of mankind


July14, 2021

Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Personal Cosmology

I was there


when the rocks melted

and sand was not yet sand

I wanted to take another flow of lava

in my palms

and dream of Pompeii

on the ides of a forgotten month

I was there 


when hydrogen 

discovered oxygen

and chose a white wedding

While helium dreamt of 

floating free

as in 

bloated balloons

It was when I noticed

a tiny worshipping trilobite

staring at me 

with the awe of future generations of sentience


July 13, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021




does not mean

my rational car 

or even an irrational one

of the sort I usually drive

mostly owned

many times rented

it just means me

the one that I know

that I may even own

(although wife and kids may not agree)

like or dislike notwithstanding

long due a change for a newer model

rather difficult to consider

new technology out of reach. 

Will I be able to get one

with a sunroof 

and fog lights?


Joly 1, 2921

Thursday, June 24, 2021



A Day of Love

(for Eser's Birthday on July 2)

one of many such

each year anew

each day special

a cruise

on calm waters  

boats with containers

of thoughts as emotions

and thoughts as wishes

and the wish always the thought

and both so special 


this day


June 24

Wednesday, June 23, 2021



Daughters and Dads on  Fathers Day

appear different


to viewing eyes

which find reasons for the blurring

seeing the aspirations

and the hopes 

and the fleets of fancy

sailing in the blues and greens

of their soul gates

movements of shoulders and arms

tossed hair

tossed cares

shrugged worries

packaged and packed 

in boxes and cases 

in the whirlycues of gray 

be they the clouds in the sky

or matter enclosed 

in overflowing personal storage

which will be the only burden

to be carried away

and carried far

and carried beyond

to join millenia

in a picture of dads


and stumbling

and creeping

knowingly nodding


to the unknown

Ahmet Celebiler

July 23, 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021




Why do People Think.


Some think to puzzle

others to dazzle

and even a few to embezzle.

But those I know, think to unravel




and movement of money and others

hoping that a time will come

when fish do not grow on trees

or when the left and right sides

become brain brothers

to emotionally load

and unload 


and verbiage

rationally better left alone

but magically and mystically

serve you in the socialization of  parts and limbs 

and tensions


and relaxations 

in harmony with some

even if a few

more so than many

lovingly gathered and nurtured

living in and around you

seen and unseen 

and felt by  known and unknown senses

to become a model abode

brick by brick,

breath by breath


June 22, 1921

(A very new first draft)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

İstanbul ve İznik Kedileri


Fare yerine kurbağa

ve kertenkele

ve yarasa 

avlayıp böbürlenen 


ister istemez dost olunur

onlar isterse

kuyruklarını dikip göz kırparlar

ve esnerler suratına

sevgi ile

12 Haziranö 2921

Thursday, June 10, 2021



I once met an Afghani prince

no relative of the Hungarian Prince Kemal of my teens

the Afghani built pyramids far from Egypt

structures of envy and greed

without mummies or artifacts

the Hungarian prince rebuilt dreams 

and visions of feminine beauty

Greek actress Aliki and a Brasilian dance group

of different eras

long gone

with the quicksand they paced

Both princes were somehow related to games of rubber bridge

which also disappeared

except for the plastic playing cards

which can still be used

to build towers 

to crumble

for others


June 11, 2021

Tuesday, June 8, 2021



Ages Of Mystery

The child seeks mysteries 

and surprises 

behind doors

and whispers

in paraphernalia

and in boxes

or drawers

or a mother's hug 

and even in an ant and its friend the bug

The old seeks protection

and certainty

stead of adventure

or inventory

of things in cupboards of memory 

in parlors dusty

no longer puzzled

preferred to be let alone

and not to discover

that which has stayed hidden

 behind broken shutters

even when the smell of wild fig

drifts by.


June 9. 2021

Life is for the living

If You Wake UP

Consider  the number of times

and the occasions

when joy of life

brought you back 

for a whiff

of the perfume of pineapple and cloves

to finally leave 

in a final sigh.


hide under the cypresses

marble cold to the eye

breezy cold to the ear

and in search of another whiff

of a slightly warm



and its bouquet

ACC June 9, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Oh, the Brain!

Diagnosis of Almost geriatric Hydrocephalus

the brain is a depository

a section of lost and found

another one of left luggage.

with size limitations 

and content restrictions

although small size dirty underwear is welcome

as well as upturned stones 

with some of those uncovered

eroded by time.

each section originally with a key.

the edifice placed close to slow flowing  liquids

at risk against rust, flood and clotting.

and clogging

But the owner will leave the structure and contents

before they can be reinstituted and sold as ideas 

or memorabilia

even at another universe.

CTScan of June 2, 2021


Friday, May 28, 2021

"the anosognosia of everyday life",-


Pesonal Unorthodox Crepiderianism

Tonight, as I stepped out

to get a whiff of fresh air

I heard a snail say to a slug:

"belief  in an illusion

is itself  illusory

as lack of belief 

when the subject

is your very self

being totally competent

in your own incompetence,"

Was it malice or stupidity

that transmitted those words to me?

(what I  learned from David Dunning, 1999)


Wednesday, May 26, 2021



There were too many eggs

all hatched at the same time

or so it seemed

for time has little meaning

for eggs

or for hatchlings.

They all checked themselves 

for appendages 

for instincts

and for mouth and teeth.

and naturally, for balance

then they scuttled or careened away.

except for one who had no tail,

he realized.

and no balance 

and with strange thoughts.

of living an unbalanced life 

shunned by all.

until a little boy picked him up in warm sweaty hands

he had no companions also.

for he had a tail

a fabulous friendship started.

they shared the one tail

but also many tales

that each made up.

Their own story was not the only one I heard

but i forgot all the others.

and  wanted to share this before it also was forgotten

If you come across a tailless lizard and a boy with a tail

ask them for other tales 

and record them 

and please share them also

with all those who have something missing

and maybe tails will grow back one day

and missing parts appear,

making everyone a unique complete tale.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021



Olden days are remembered 



when you are about to sleep 

or wake

to a palaver


and almost understood

involving hunters and game

adults and secrets muttered. 

which drift away 

leaving miracles

every day

to a fading sun 

a favorite cat or two 

and a tough to fulfil desire

to stretch 

as though

those days are within reach



Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 Writer Suffers but Remembers days of imported wisdom and joy:

At a time when creativity seems to have flown out of the drilled cranium, aome memory cells work double hard to make up.

This is a review of "Nile Shadows" by Edward Whittemore, a favorite book of a favorite author.


Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2010
I paid $330 for a copy of this book in 1999 and never regretted it, not even when i loaned it to never receive it again. I went on and bought this copy so that i could read it again in 2002, and i am not a rich person (sometimes dumb, but not rich.)

It is a depressing book because of the atmosphere and the feeling that all the characters are at the end of their times, yet full of the wonder of the days of humanity and the desire to live.

History and tragedy and comedy are all intermingled with two old socialite ladies who were originally maids, living on a houseboat and mummies whose dust pervade the dusky atmosphere. People who are wise beyond their status and foolish because of theirs roll in or sneak in, have their say and disappear to sometimes appear in other guises and other vices.

Whittemore grips you, pleases you, makes you both a participant and a ruthless observer, but never a judge or a jury.

You do not take sides when faced with a flood of water or emotion. You accept it for what it is, but always soak youself in it because it is there.

This is not an easy book to read. The terrific style (one must also give credit to Judy Karasik, the editor) is for the reader who enjoys good literature more than the reader who boasts of his speed-reading ability. The characters would be better appreciated by people who have traveled and met and observed other people and other cultures and other locations even if only in books, as long as they have tried to see from their perspective.

Ahmed, the poet manager/receptionist (no blood relation to me), sums it up in the book "Life is a merciless and mysterious arrangement of logic for a futile purpose". Whittemore uses up all three adjectives to excellent effect in Nile Shadows in regard to people, their actions and world events: merciless, mysterious and futile.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 The street where I was born and lived on and off; the one where I still live is called "BehindPalace" possibly because of My great grandfather's long gone mansion or the imposing German Consulate in a way the word "behind" loses its meaning.

Up to 1954, there was only the ten room wooden house with its two station wood heated Turkish bath (which still survives in protest against the mis-care of a somewhat distant cousin who listens to music and wears the same brown tight fitting leather jacket from which I avert my gaze every time we meet) a large wooden door, a short drive-way for horse carriages, two ruins, (a foundation and a cistern) , and a dried up well, hidden by thirty feet or higher walls. The street was about fifteen feet higher, but street vendor and playing children sounds would filter through the antique masonry.


It was a narrow street of cobble stones

used for playing football

and then paved with asphalt 

not only for hopscotch by the few girls

but other imagined ball games

while I watched from the corner

on days I dared to leave the high- wall- bound garden

with its rusted car chassis intact with a stick shift or hand break,

 a three feet tall foundation,

away from a well with its hole half in the wall 

and a cistern next to the large wooden gate

on the steep slope named after a bearded grandfather leading up to the street 

where the soccer games were almost as interesting as the bugs and the birds of the garden

and the fruit trees and the foundation where a treasure stayed buried

and the old cistern containing mutilated bodies of discarded linoleum.

My soccer career consisted of the two times I was asked to join one of the teams,

and I missed kicking the ball just as I woke up.

until similar circumstances were presented some years later at school,

but fully awake for the misery.

Children and vendors mingled in my street streams,

both types of memory without artistic merit,

of an unfamiliar world of unknown kids and unappreciated food sold by hungry emaciated old men.


April 27, 2021

Monday, April 12, 2021


It is a mystery, a dream, 

or just an everyday day

The cards are dealt 

they are facedown

try to remember if  the deck is cut,

if it is a poker, pinochle or tarot or another other  deck.

it is of no consequence

cards that are given are given

a sneak view is not in the cards

learn to play a  many or more card no-peak game

not knowing the difference between an ace and a deuce.

What has been learned at home?

at school?

and in life?

ACC May 6 10, 2021




İçimde yaşayanlar 

                         gözlerimle bakıyor

başka şeyler görüyorlar

Kulaklarımla dinliyor

              benim duyduklarımı duymuyorlar

Ağzımla tat alıyorlar

              yediklerini sanıyorlar

Burnum tıkalıyken 

                koku alıyorlar

        daha hoş

Ellerı, tenleri değiyor




Kıskanıyorum onları


12 Nisan, 2021

Friday, April 9, 2021




of one who occupies space and time willfully, against all odds and forces

for whoever, to be delished or embellished 

Read, observe, associate and think as many subjects as you can. Be a pyrrhonist, travel between boundaries, across frames, in time and any and all absolutes Take pleasure in nature, mysteries, people, SO, progeny, parents, siblings (yours and those of everyone you know) and life at all ages. Be prepared to say, “My Bad!’” and “Fk me!” to yourself. Do not feel any regret. Enjoy humor, satire, irony, even sarcasm. Talk to yourself without moving your lips and write ,or paint, or draw or make music. Enjoy your own company as well as that of others.

ACC  April 9  2021

Thursday, March 25, 2021




his shoes were tight

her mood was just not right

their first solution was to have a fight

it was by chance that it turned into a night

and the timing was right

so arrived what well-wishers called a delight

Periods of stage freight

turned into a modest limelight

and later, during life's twilight

this and other rhymes would I write


March 26, 2021


Friday, March 19, 2021



Rolling along

A dung beetle or more politely a scarab befitting an ancient Egyptian is the cleverest creature not upset by self doubt or by suggestions of other directions a stoic neither a pessimist nor an optimist a true social scientist only focused on its subject

ACC March 19, 2021


A Life with Unused Pages  

A notebook found

fifty five years old

Attempts at learning

German, French, marketing, economy

even Russian and Greek tragedy

also personal identity

and family mystery

only duplicate Bridge scores 

and poetry of youthful shores

are all that stand out

among the cornucopia of doubt

a measly lot

a foundation that is but a slot

for the narrator's existential plot


March 19

Photographs to be added

Saturday, February 20, 2021



A  cantankerous jalopy
lease fully paid
maintained somewhat carelessly
dear, nevertheless

venturing the roads and highways 
when weather and dare permits 
if either is perceived as perceived

a few shakes and shudders
a wheezing or whistle at times
cranky gears
not geared to be cranky

no catalyzer for discharges,
but passing domestic tests
of gasses and noises
heard in the distance by fading
and decorous hearing

When sitting behind the wheel or the windscreen
seems too much
knowing there is a bed
soon to be reached by byways
to be rewarded by cool sheets

to change location and be
upset by memories of other drives 
and waves and hopes and cares

getting confronted with masked, blank, mismatched faces 
in faded places 
among crowds of drawn or copied 
intermittent phases

The jalopy runs on regular
with many miles on worn down tyres
leaving disappearing threads
and oil absorbed shocks 
used to feeling full regalia of shocks

the whole kept afloat
by uncaring attendants 
leaning under the hood 
rushed through a magnetic funnel
surmising mysteries
of archaic parts, 
covered by detritus of roads cruised 
and dusty thoughts and will and joy of life

FIrst Draft
February 20, 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



There is more to learn 

to notice

to puzzle

and unravel

Threads wrapped around a bubble

hugely molecular

hallowly diverticular

and as you can tell

all very solar

While the night approaches

your night approaches 

avoiding all obstacles

guards and wards 

tagging insidiously

a section of the thread

your thread.

A lesson for the wise

to tell that the puzzle

is not yours alone

and the thread 

a serpent many coloured

biting the  tail of another

never devouring 



solving the errant bubble 

but not the puzzle

February 10, 2021

not edited