Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Hiç bitmeyecekti çocukluk, okul yılları, mutlu , mutsuz ilişkiler.
Diş ağrısı hafifleyecek, dizler kabuk tutmayacak, korkular yersiz olacak sonsuz olmayacağını hayal edemeden umulan büyük insan yaşlarında.
Gelecek bulutlu, rüzgarlı eski Boğaz günlerinin hayata aksetmesiydi; bazen puslu bazen yağmurlu. Ama gök gürlemedi o yaşamlarda.

Bisikletle, maharetle manevra edilerek dolaşılan patikalar, karıncaların beslenme yolları gibi uzayacaktı kıvrım, kıvrım. Boyutlarına göre büyüyen kamyonların dev direksiyonlarında oturacak, boğalardan korkmayacak ve gene de renkli yılanlarla arkadaşlık yapabilecektim.

Karınca, akrep, kene düşünmeden aralarında gezilen çalılıklar, yararak geçilen ve sonra ezerek üstlerine yatılan ot ormanları hep olacaktı.
Şam fıstık ve limonata eşliğinde okunan çizgi romanlar kahramanlık hikayeleri ve eski zaman silahşörlerinın entrikaları ile maceraperestlerin kendilerini ve cinayetleri çözmeleri, ve gizemlerle bezenmiş dünya seyahatleri, kahramanlar değişerek sayıca artacak ve mutluluğun tanımı olmaktan çıkmayacaklardı.
Sevmek için sevilmek gerekli değildi. Meleklerin, yamyamların,  kaşiflerin cinsellikle ilgileri yoktu. Acı çekmek , fakir olmak sergüzeşt idi. Kitaplardan okunup dağarcığa atılan zaman içinde zorunlu dinleyicileri etkilemek için kullanılırlardı.

Mizah ise gülmeyi, güldürmeyi, insan tanımayı öğrenmek için titizlikle öğrenilmesi gerekli bir aygıt. Kelime oyunları, görüntü oyunları, insanların birbirleriyle oyunları o yıllarda sorgulanıp acemice algılanıp uygulandılar.
Ve, az imkanlarla yokluğu çokluk yapma çabasıyla  yarını kavrayamayarak edinilen maddi, manevi, fikirsel birikimler;  kanıksanmadan toplanan, toplanan, toplanan, meğerse yaşı olmayan, istikbali olmayan koleksiyonlar dördüncü boyut yolculuğunda sırtımdaki heybede.

Ahmet Cafer Çelebiler  ​14 Ağustos 2017

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Warm December Cold

Life of Another

When reminiscence becomes fantasy
But not fiction
When archaeology turns into divinity
But not religion

We shall follow paths unseen
With lights aflash
Steps grossly meager
And hearts asunder

One becoming all but one
All dwindling into most
Betraying self
Lost amidst a formulated host

ACC. December 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Love and Galaxies, Maybe

Obtuse Annihilation For Suspected Rebirth



Apropos of not much

For space, a plant
     Weaker than stem
      Of thistle

As for time, a seed
      Than cauldron
                                Of eld

The thought so still
       The daze
                      So disconcerting
Like stars
And mysteries 
                       Of asteroids

Retrospectively silent

Until they deign
         And signal
One more synergy

Of happenstance

Hemmed Effendi
October 2019

Sunday, July 28, 2019


A personal note:

Both my parents lived through two world wars & economic crises. I don't remember them complaining. Father was a stoic with no friends, Mother was a skeptic with few friends. My children will remember me as a complaining father because I always absurdly believed in a better future.

Some Views & abuse:

There are 2 kinds of dominant species on Earth: #Humans who exist through evolution and #Humanoids who are constantly created from scratch, from a pool of useless genes which makes them unable to learn, use logic, empathize and consider their own and everyone else's future,

Martyrs are not born. They are trained to disavow basic instincts, to deny cognitive dissonance and live in a surreal, alien environment, to fulfill a deluded fantasy, prophecy or vision of real or imaginary powers who may or may not profit from the martyr's activities."

Where traditional scholarship requires memorization of holy scriptures in a foreign language before one learns that or any other language, comprehension of the written word decreases in proportion to increased ability to quote scriptures, teachings, rules & regulations.

Do the youth in developed countries recognize the concept of apprenticeship? Can they reach up to a Platonic cloud for it or would they just look down upon the practice from the cloud since they innately know more about everything than their elders and live in a bigger cloud.

When most humans could only perceive 3 dimensions, they were unaware of their short lifespans. Now that most perceive 4 dimensions, even if it leads to cognitive dissonance for many, lifespans have been reduced. Discovery of more dimensions will not be well received by humanity.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

An autobiographical patch

A Lasting Patch on Tapestry of Life

I started to age when I was fifty nine. It was not sudden, but the process was quick to affect me physically, emotionally and intellectually. In negation of all the literature on the subject, the highest IQ score I got was at that age. My IQ started moving fast downhill, gaining potential energy which it would never have a chance to use since I also started abhorring uphill climbs, during that time. I may also have lost the possibility to apply to one of the high IQ societies whose membership either spend their time patting each other on the back, (a commendable pastime) or brewing up conspiracies to bring religion, nationalism and or dictatorships back for deserving countries, (not so commendable but with some merit also, depending on one's beliefs and status.)

My last uphill climb of seventy eight steps was two weeks before I was diagnosed with two blocked arteries. Between the two events, I flew to Trieste for a board meeting where I had to tread the endless appearing corridors of the old head office of the parent company. One would have thought that, having survived the ordeal of seventy eight steps at a rocky seaside resort in Southern Turkey, I would prance through the dim corridors. But, alas, each step gave me a pain in the midriff, which I associated with reflux, gastritis, blocked intestines, Italian natural gas or maybe even a cancer of sorts. The shortness of breath I was feeling was attributed to my weight and smoking, or just the heat. It was June 2004, a monkey year for a monkey man.

There are those who boast of my friendship and others with genetic ties who may say that my aging actually started when I broke all the ligaments on my left knee while watching a group of small kids swoop through a wooded path, climbing to the steep snow bank on one side and not being able to control the right ski from sliding and the left one abandoning my size eleven feet. However, that is pure hindsight like "The Black Swan Theory."

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Bottled Up

last days are just that
although i can hear you say, "what?
that's not gamesmanship at all!"
"this writer does not see the court and the ball."

yet, for the poet, it is the play
the play by play, which may
stop only when the clock winds down
and the sand, its last particle has flown

into a bottle with a waist so narrow
goes the sand and the debris it can borrow
to stretch the instance, believing it may be elastic
becoming as time goes, more and more caustic

then one not so dreary day
like many other one meets, on the way
the bottle to one side flops or is turned
with the sand defiled and churned

Even if there was a witness
to say, "there is still more sand your highness!"
to flow down, and some detritus
but the time keeper is egregious
and for the rest, it is only a hiatus

till a passing maid turns it up
whichever way she does a cup
causing a new life to be short for lack of sand
and no musicians to play the band

It is not poetic to consider aeons imprisoned in a child's beach pail
filled and left for life to survive, no matter how frail
all the time that stood and was swept in the wind
sand that traveled but never ceased

Wednesday, May 1, 2019



Fireflies flicker in brief sojourn
Twinkle but do not return

It is now a season for moths
For whom old paths become new oaths

Flight patterns
Flashes of memory instead of lanterns

Homes are houses once again
Where families no longer reign

Survivors huddle each and each
In one hand an unripe peach

Gnawing at food and other things
Like pains and thoughts time brings

The host of dreams have less range
From child to teens to this age.

ACC   May 1, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019



Toys do not give warmth
Just a little love comes forth
From a strange shape of fluff
Sometimes better than a grown-up’s voice, gruff

What is a rhinoceros
Or a hippopotamus
Even a cow with a moo
Or a bird which says hoo

We do not have these living with me
Or dad or the always present mother, she
Who is very giving
But sometimes , sometimes, also forgetting

I play with a huge toy elephant
But would rather follow a tiny live ant
Size is not important
As long as I can stuff it in a compartment

One day I will read books
That say a child is all about where he looks
Feelings come from peoples’ eyes
And their hellos and goodbyes

The mystery of the oven
Is greater than the cries of the nursery coven
And the toilet paper roll I can tear
Is so much more than the frilly skirt I wear

Air, Earth and Water I prefer
To all the toys on offer
And all the trees and flowers and bugs
Make up my Fire along with all the hugs

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

2014 den BIR YAZI


Hep çıkarlar  birileri vapurlar iskeleye yanaşınca; yanaşırken de. Çoğunluk bekler, küs küs, heyecansız, gidecekleri yer belli ve zamansız, geldikleri yer meçhul ve önemsiz. Tekrar gelip tekrar gideceklerinin farkındamıdırlar, o pek bilinmez.

Yarın gene ineceklerdir o iskelede, hep hafta içi tarifesinden başka bir vapurdan; Sütlüce varken geç, ondan daha süratli Boğaziçinden daha erken; şimdi ise insan isimlilerden; sanki birileri birçok başka insanı taşırmış üstünde, içinde, sanki bu bir adet, gelenekmiş gibi isimlendirilen yeni Şehir hatları vapurlarından.

Arabalı vapurlarla iletişim daha fazla olmaz binenler için. Ama, seyirci olan ve hayalinde oyuncak ilaç kutusu kökenli otomobilleri yerleştiren çocuk için otomobil de bindiği vapur da daha yakındır, suratları belirsiz, koyu renk kıyafetli hepsi birbirinin aynı insanlardan.

Kutu otolar sokulup sıkıştırılır Onaltı-Onsekiz araçlık Sahilbent veya Altmış üç araçlık Karamürsele ve sonra çarklarını kaybeden araba vapurlarına, insanlarını boşaltıp üst kata yollamak üzere.  

Çıkanlar güvertede, üşenenler oto esaretinde her daim demli acı çay içerler küçük, ince belli ince camlı, altın yaldızlı bantlı bardaklardan. Sallanan ıslak tepsilerde servis yapılır,  bahşişe alışık olmayan, müphem, isimsiz kişiler ve Dodge, Desoto, Chevrolet, Peugeot, Mercedesler arasında dolaşan, bezgin de olsa süratli bilgeler tarafından.

Otolar canlanmaz aslında sürücüleri binip, yürüyüp gittiklerinde;  binenler gibi unutulma yolunda benzerlerinin arasına karışırlar, üniformalı askerler, önlüklü ilkokul çocukları gibi.

Ben de oralardan ayrılıp ilaçların kutularından çok kendilerini kullanmayı hayal etmeden bir gün uygulamaya başlayarak benzer olup olmadığı belirsizlerin arasına karışırken, benzer olmadığıma ikna olma ve edebilme yönünde ıslak tepsimi sallayarak sessizce iskeleye doğru yöneldim.

Ahmet C. Çelebiler
Nisan, 2014



checked and balanced placed on a scale of eld or memories spent weighed over AND over compared ever and ever not with reason or remorse bound collared cuffed with silk or hemp ring or clasp

Jan.30, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019


Mystical, Statistical Scientificology

i hypothesized
at an early age
that i was a theory

based on assumptions
and conundrums
mystical mantras
equations and Sigmas
matrices and metrics

tested for Chi
tested to a t
and for probability
all very scientifically
not superficially

but then I grew
and doubt did too
till age sixty two

at almost four score
hypothesis, proof, theory
        no more
a test  of significance only
        failed miserably

ACC  January 18, 2019


Personal Observation

aesthetic touch is not art as such but the finger that linger on a memory or hair frail and a thought stray ACC January 18, 2019