Saturday, February 26, 2022

An Incident at the Eastern European Rift ( or the Bear River Bridge)


An Incident at the Eastern European Rift (or the Bear River Bridge)

A day before the Uncaring Sun Rose at Nicaea

Do some regret their contribution to the fall of the USSR  and the resulting global issues?

The Western culture does not like the words, ‘regret’ ‘responsibility’ ‘compassion’ In fact, almost all leaders in the world, and all the governments and political elites which survived one or more decades were totally Machiavellian in belief, if not thought.

So the powers that are do not regret either contributing to the fall of USSR or Iran or Libya or Iraq or Syria, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan or the deaths of millions and the waste of huge amounts of scarce resources while they achieved these targets, because they do not shoulder any responsibility. “It had to be done” “It was politically or economically expedient” We owe it to our forefathers,” “It was worth the sacrifice” (whose sacrifice?) and on and on and on with the rhetoric.

This is true for even the so called more civilized countries of the world and their governments. “What a pity! But there was nothing we could do. “They had it coming” “look at what they did to…………….………….in the past.”

People being who they are, the Powers, also and easily find indigenous populations in those regions who can be bought or conned, or taught or engineered to follow and contribute to the disastrous and short-sighted strategies and tactics and who will be happy to use all the logical fallacies available to justify their lack of intellect, knowledge and compassion.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

Iznik, Feb 26, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022



New philosophy, sociology, Politics and psychology of  Power in the 21st Century

Politics creates vacuums to be filled in unexpected, unsuspected and unmanageable ways.

No two of these vacuums have similar dimensions. Even with similar dimensions, their volumes will not be same.

Filling a political or cultural vacuum is not a science. 

Filling a political vacuum in an ethical (as defined by different value systems) manner results in untreatable cognitive discrepancy .

FI - FO  does not operate in storing of ideas, values, attitudes in political vacuums.

The contents of political vacuums may not be friendly to each other, but all will interact and survive.

One does not need to go as far as Syria and Afghanistan. United States, UK, Ukraine, Russia  and France are recent examples.

Unfortunately neither antique nor modern history can come up with  reasonable  or even arguable  reasons for this state of affairs.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

February 14, 2022