Monday, August 30, 2021



My Backyard Which Tried a New Quantum  Leap Leaving Einstein Behind

a  tree trunk

wide and low

to rest food and drink

untrimmed roots

a tangle of prosopagnosia


spring like strings

and the singularities

my universe

the centripetal force law of proportionality

sole explanation of anxiety

and society

pictured as limbs of graviton

a flux?

nay, a time dilation

a many dimensional attraction

to words, 

to theories 

of assumptions

infinitely nascent

ACC August 28, 2021

the brain

Thursday, August 19, 2021



Too many years ago, in Riyadh, a Cypriot neighbor's five year old son confessed to hiding his mother's wedding ring, There was a huge search in the simple accommodation provided by the employer, but the ring did not show up. And Christos never remembered where it was hidden, although he was proud that he had found the best hiding place.

As time flies as it is meant to, we hide other things,  mostly memories, experiences, esoteric knowledge, faces, names, mathematical and magical and mystical formulas, unnecessary useless derivatives and integrals or vectors.

Some of these are secreted away intentionally. Other thoughts, data and feelings are unintentionally put into rooms with strong doors and locks and chains, requiring significant and sometimes, tortuous and painful dispensation to break in, even possibly some not very welcome bodily invasion. When this type of cache is opened the stuff found in the room and through the invasion may easily become subjects of fearful dreams. That is a part of what life is about, I say, "Just bear it and continue rolling the ball of worthless, wormless compost towards the looming horizon."

Ahmet C. Celebiler

August 19, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021




503. Kazıma Yöntemi

Bu yöntem her zaman umulan sonuçları vermez. Zaten kullanma amaçları da bilimsel kabul görmeyebilir, arif ve bilge insanlar ve öyle olsun olmasın, tarihçiler, tarafından.

Dersimizin laboratuarına katılmanız ve deneylerde gösterdiğiniz ilerleme başarı notunuzun önemli bir kısmını oluşturacaktır. Laboratuarda, ihtiyacınız olacak her türlü alet, edevat bulunmaktadır. Yani çomak, çapa, tırmık, matkap, büyüteç, mikroskop, ters bakmalı dürbün, hipermetrop ve astigmat cözlükler bulunmaktadır. Daha kapsamlı alan çalışmaları içi ise elektrikli kepçe veya endoskopi cihazları getirtilebilir.

İlk öğrenmeniz gereken amacınıza ve çalışma alanınıza uygun aletlerin seçimidir. Çok eskiden geçmiş zamanlar ile yeni dönemler arasında ve bilgi ile his ve görüş arasında uygulama farklılıkları olduğunu bilmeniz konferanslardaki dikkatinize ve iç güdülerinizin gücüne bağlıdır.

Aşağıda listelenen konulardan bir tanesini seçerek, bir uygulama planı hazırlamak ilk ödevinizdir:

1. Yeni dönem (son on yıl) sanatsal hafıza

2. Eski dönem  (geçmiş yirmi ila otuz yıl arası) politik hafıza

3. Rahme düşme ile üç yaş arası duygular

4. İlk Okul ve Orta Okulda kazanılanlar

5. Lise ve üniversite yıllarında amaçlı veya amaçsız olarak öğretilen yanlış bilgilerin etkisi.

Kitaptan ve/veya internetten bölümler eklemeniz yasaktır. Benim eski yazılarımdan yararlanırsanız  gerekli noktalama işaretleri ve dip notlarla belirtilmelidir.

Süreniz  geçen dönem incelediğiniz izotoplardan en kısa yaşamlısının yarı ömrü kadardır.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

non-algorithmic mentor professor of  psycho-philosophy

15 Agustos, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021



Nature's Inhumanity to Nature

A tree  is  what nature is

an apricot tree

married to a small paved yard

longer than my marriage

nourished by love

fruited after twenty years

in sympathy

to aging inhabitants 

and to

the suffering of its family members

from wild fires

long way away.

with a silent request

for the pits of the fruit to be saved

in the damp compost of my memories

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



Male psychology is not as much into compensation for grievances as female mindology when the grievance  may be classified as mythical-emotional. Yet muscular memory plays an important role in male compensation, especially when there is no financial judgement that materializes in  a modern world with no surviving Oedipi and too many dominating matriarchs. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021



Shearing off unwanted growth

is a delight

when the growth  is a weed

or when it is a fungus 


but the shearing of 

views, beliefs, perspectives

is best when all of these are


In years and other times

when there were no containers 

to contain them

in shapes to shape them

thoughts to think them

And when they are eaten, 

and consumed

and boxed

and shaped

and thought

There is still no memory 

of the unwanted

and even of the wanted

ACC  02/08/2021