Saturday, September 10, 2022


 Truth for Compassion

Two of my grandchildren have been with us for about one week. We have one on one chats frequently.

Elevators, stars and planets and math with the boy, and everything else with the girl. The boy asks what and how and the girl asks what and why. I ask them who they are.

1. The older, six year old grandson, got up from his bed in the adjoining room, without waking her mom, and came to help me walk to the bathroom in darkness when he heard me get up.

2. The younger, four year old granddaughter refused to go to her dance and rhythm class because she was the only female left in the house to take care of me during that time. This was after she asked me if my heart problem was contagious and received sufficient reassurance.

Their teachers consider them as individuals.

I owe  my self confidence partially to my primary school first grade teacher who gave me a tiny book of La Fontain's Fables with a note appreciating that I was the best poem reader in her class. 

An then there were  all the highschool teachers who never taught me but knew me and even remembered me thirty years after I graduated. I hope they felt my admiration and compassion at certain times in their lives.

Not so strange strangers are sometimes closer to one than some blood relatives and most school mates who assume that I am an assumption, and never more.


September 9. 2022

just one more birthday 

on which my sister always buys a lottery ticket for me that never wins. I check the dates just in case it is the same losing ticket every year.