Wednesday, May 26, 2021



There were too many eggs

all hatched at the same time

or so it seemed

for time has little meaning

for eggs

or for hatchlings.

They all checked themselves 

for appendages 

for instincts

and for mouth and teeth.

and naturally, for balance

then they scuttled or careened away.

except for one who had no tail,

he realized.

and no balance 

and with strange thoughts.

of living an unbalanced life 

shunned by all.

until a little boy picked him up in warm sweaty hands

he had no companions also.

for he had a tail

a fabulous friendship started.

they shared the one tail

but also many tales

that each made up.

Their own story was not the only one I heard

but i forgot all the others.

and  wanted to share this before it also was forgotten

If you come across a tailless lizard and a boy with a tail

ask them for other tales 

and record them 

and please share them also

with all those who have something missing

and maybe tails will grow back one day

and missing parts appear,

making everyone a unique complete tale.

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