Friday, December 2, 2022




The hermitage appeared in different colors and shapes and ages to people who chanced upon it during a walk, a gastric queeziness, a heart attack or a feeling of having found something long lost to the ancestral memory. Truth to tell, it was nothing special. had four walls outside and a few inside, some windows and doors, rooms and cubicles and niches which meant rather short unbroken corridors which always led to a door or a space.

There was always a sign at the entrance gate. This sign was not legible to most who frequented, in fact, who inhabited the hermitage. Simply, it said, "This is your Abode" in a language of sorts.

Many people just walked in without wondering and continued down a well-trodden corridor or two, to one or more well observed, always observed, never redecorated spaces. There was solace, there was peace, unquestioning acceptance and the never fully admitted feeling that everything was as it should be.

The times and the timing devices on the corridors and in the spaces displayed different figures and numbers and different types of birds chirped or sounded in a cacaphony unheard by ears. Time was time, and birds were birds and spaces were alway on solid foundations of known knowledge and dreamt dreams and wisely proclaimed words  uttered by the acceptedly wise.

Life in this hermitage was a secret insult to self and selfish family and friends and colleagues and the rulers and the ruled, but seldom was recognized as such.

Ahmet Cafer Celebiler

December 2, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022




Yet, humans repeat this and other ridiculously simplistic words to cover up new politics, policies, buried murder victims, axes arrow heads, stele, utensils, flood escape boats, impossibility of hanging gardens and dreams. 

Similarly intervention in the politics, economy and social structure and defensive capabilities of other nations, by more powerful ones have meanings, actions and symbols no different than the above but with no repetition.

In addition to the positive consequences of American interventionism for America like support of American defense industry and defense/security jobs for difficult to employ less qualified citizens, frequent and expected resuts for the intervened are:

  • A certain increase in technology transfer, training
  • Some transfer of capital to certain sectors which may not directly benefit the development plans of that country.
  • the formation and growth of a new sector of business and group of people who supply the Americans with everything from mates to pharmaceuticals, food, confidential information and rumors,
  • low moral and morality
  • confusion between local cultural values and American values, from politics, religion to ethics,
  • establishment of new businesses, commercial activities
  • More importance of a servile attitude due to new set of rewards and punishments and new judicial systemic changes.
  • Possible disruption of global economic, educational, commercial, political relationships.
And political belief and analysis becomes atwirl like the compass like eyes of the Greek gaoler Cerberus, reincarnated on Netflix.

Ahmet Cafer Celebiler
November 11, 2022

Friday, November 11, 2022

Graduate Class Notes for the Kindermine at their Craft


How Philosophy Came to Being

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Before we tackle this simple subject let me remind you that you should definitely ignore the rumors and the false testimony that philosophy has always existed even by mortals of limited life and intelligence span.

A large number of believers in supreme beings of variable powers over humanity, other creatures, world affairs, solar system affairs and everything visible by telescopes of the most magnificent magnification, and their spokesmen, and their assigned servants are quick to declare that philosophy was created at the same time as everything else was created. This belief does not negate the belief that a supreme being can create another supreme being as his progeny and in his image. That is how it is written with indelible fruit and vegetable pigments and snake venom on timeless, unperishable media parched by the dust of meteors, which were later reproduced subliminally in the dreams and thoughts of wise men who prepared themselves for this  mediatic information transfer by using copious amounts of myrrh and a little frankincence to overome any possible myrrhadiction.

All the different parched ments and the divergent but still factual facts passed through clean and sane wise men confused all those who followed them and wished to believe in their versions of the pigments which had mostly faded by the time a few millenia had passed, so that the wise and the unwise could only perceive two colours, white and black.  

The result was a great deal of argument and strong language, fisticuffs, show of and other use of organs, until one or more supreme beings interfered to calm down the kerfufle with the creation of ethics and morality, and realizing that the ignorant masses follow the wise in perceiving only white and black, they planted a strong message in the minds of all their followers that white represented good and black was just another adjective for bad. There followed new adjectives and adverbs, even nouns like evil and phrases like 'goodness me' and 'a curse on you' or it is a sin to fornicate, to further confuse humanity.

The all powerful and all knowing and all everything gods, having managed to bring humanity to this situation, felt that it was time to create PHILOSOPHY so that the thinkers who could observe more colours could think and argue separately from the hoi polloi whose color sense and artistic perception were weakened by too much exposure to only white and black.


Thursday, November 10, 2022


Compass of  Feelings


despite the twitching  arm

and a restless leg

knee joint oscillating 

with osteoporosis 

leaving the tendons to my care

and pity posing as 


for the self

and other creatures


all in series geometrical

marching along a mortal path

in a life crepuscular 

or lifetimes illogical

denied by self

and by other selves

of myriads

believing themselves

but few other selves

after shedding

the hard part

soft care left alone

to survive 

at the bottom of a wave

or a continuum

without time.

Ahmet Celebiler

November 10, 2022

Tuesday, November 1, 2022




 A philosopher tries to put a small number of major issues in context and passively solve them in his mind. He is passionate only in his mind which is very difficult to appease. The difficulty of defining issues of human life and thought which have been dominating human mind and life and understand all their earlier delineations while attempting to find original solutions is a never ending process for the philosopher.

 An intelletual has a wider range of thought and issues and believes he can and has solved them as fas as they impinge on his life and thought. He does not feel the need to broadcast his views and prove or defend his conclusions. This whole process is not motivated by profit or desire for power and dominance, therefore he can be easily satisfied with what he knows and has done.

A politician is driven by a desire to acquire and hold power, dominance and recognition by any means he finds acceptable to his ethics and abilities. His understanding of life and humans is purely pragmatic, involvings means of manipulation which may not be truely altruistic or based on facts and knowledge.


          November 1, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022




 Remember the straw

                      the pain

                      the fear


                   .the silences

                    at the tip of your utterance 

                     the words 

                      for others to hear

                    which no other hears

                       the answer at the tip of.......

                  time and time again

                          and laughter

                     to recall

                         but not refresh




                     the thresh holds 



                      the mystery


                       as ever

                       Ahmet Celebilerus  Minus Eighth

                        around Halloween, 2022



Tuesday, October 18, 2022



How Familiar Can a Familiar Become

Strangers and families

in a sociological study

series of events

and impediments

No astrologer or

medium, enchanting 

may guess

the next number

shape or letter

But many can vouch

for behavior observed 

         or an attitude 

on a pedestal

or pinnacle

Not a test of IQ, EQ or your Q


not a test at all


a gamble 

or a  guess 

for a future impending

on a flat earth

which used to be round

ahmet cafer celebiler

October 18, 2022

Wednesday, October 12, 2022



if she were

an exotic recipe


and eclectic

a meteorological occlusion

or a passage geometric 

would i wish to change her?

could i dare to challenge her?


would it be enough

of a feat

to keep her

just keep her 

in a steady state


October 13, 2022



If I could travel back in time

would I wish 

to attend Queen Victoria

in a nightie


Namik Pasha 

at a pajama party

would either be


or world shaking


the younger me

in any attire


on a path of memory 


not at all

emblazened with glory


October 13, 2022

FABLE No. 37 

A goose going at a steady rate

thought of ancestors

who had lived in state

of feathers galore 

and ponds in gardens

with grass all around

knowing well

that it will also become

an ancestor regal

in as short

or long

a time

as time goes for geese

and for humans 

no different 

for life is life 

and a lifetime is a lifetime

ahmet the last stanza in a lullaby

October 13, 2022

Saturday, September 10, 2022


 Truth for Compassion

Two of my grandchildren have been with us for about one week. We have one on one chats frequently.

Elevators, stars and planets and math with the boy, and everything else with the girl. The boy asks what and how and the girl asks what and why. I ask them who they are.

1. The older, six year old grandson, got up from his bed in the adjoining room, without waking her mom, and came to help me walk to the bathroom in darkness when he heard me get up.

2. The younger, four year old granddaughter refused to go to her dance and rhythm class because she was the only female left in the house to take care of me during that time. This was after she asked me if my heart problem was contagious and received sufficient reassurance.

Their teachers consider them as individuals.

I owe  my self confidence partially to my primary school first grade teacher who gave me a tiny book of La Fontain's Fables with a note appreciating that I was the best poem reader in her class. 

An then there were  all the highschool teachers who never taught me but knew me and even remembered me thirty years after I graduated. I hope they felt my admiration and compassion at certain times in their lives.

Not so strange strangers are sometimes closer to one than some blood relatives and most school mates who assume that I am an assumption, and never more.


September 9. 2022

just one more birthday 

on which my sister always buys a lottery ticket for me that never wins. I check the dates just in case it is the same losing ticket every year.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Vigilantly Successful Politics


using sieves and sifting and trial by wealth in politics

How do you become a politician without any experience in politics and how can you make your country better through politics?

You find the funds to support you as a candidate for office,

You spend those funds wisely, in buying allegiance of people, groups and institutions

You make your opponents appear inadequate, corrupt or bad.

You then use your position and its power to pay back those who suppported you

And if this endeavor meshes with making the country better, that would also be good.

Or, you may train some vigilantes and mercenaries for a coup to take over the government. This way you will not owe as much and may actually have more power to make yor country better, if that desire still survives in your ethical perspective.

Augustos the Chelebi

26 August, 2022

Saturday, August 6, 2022



The Latter Time

Relationships have lives of their own. Marriages, business partnerships, master-apprentice, professor-assistant, doctor-patient, parent-progeny, home-owner or tenant. The entities do not always realize the span of the half-life or even a perentage of the life of this nuclear bond, but the relationship does, and starts signalling. If you are perceptive and do not have a wishful belief in mitosis or meiosis, instincts kick in, not in a different way than a developing fetus of a pregnancy, to start sending their own messages. 

Demise of one of the partners in the relationship, follows sensual and  metaphysical as well as physical indications like the mark found on proprietary victims in fairs, festivals. This time, it may well appear at family or business gatherings. These marks have a nomenclature extensive enough to be dismissed according to various types of blindness, like uncared cataracts.

Yet, instincts, wishes, beliefs, reason  do not provide perceptible evidence, when the tendency of the herd is to disregard the sacrifice of one member or to justify its loss to a hungry beast of differing dimensions and divine names.

The final sounds the victim makes, depend on the health of its organs or the presence of the physical and emotional audience which vey quickly dissolves in a haze of nostalgic memory, like the rainbow that appeared today over the cemetery which houses part of my and most of Eser's ancestors. 

Ahmet C. Celebiler

August 7, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022



And Now Something Almost completely Different

The name of the department or ministry has nothing to do with its activity. Think of the ministry of the interior or home office their purpose have little to do with decoration as far as I can tell. It is the people who occupy positions in these institutions and what they consider their duties, responsibilities.

Some cornered person once said, “best defense is offense,” (and was never heard of again) and since then all defense ministries and their occupants have become totally offensive homicidal maniacs, keeping tallies of destroyed stuff and body counts with pride.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 Empires and Lottery Emperors

There is already one empire in the world calling itself a democracy. The Britannica Dictionary defines an empire simply as: “a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler or one government.” To an impartial observer, this definition seems to fit the United states of America extremely well.

Empires are usually either paranoid and defensive or proud, confident and with a sense of imagined higher purpose. Either type is diplomatically and violently aggressive. They need to expand their political and economic dominance and are willing to use any possible means to achieve this expansion just in case their enemies find them to be weak or badly governed.

Most historic empires also held cultural dominance not only over the controlled peoples and territories but also on other countries and peoples. However, the individuals leading empires and their people, start over and over, to feel or acquire too much hubris, leading to a gradual deterioration of their culture, wisdom and th eir ability to recognize and assess themselves. These situations may cause defections and the appearance of domestic ideological, financial or military opposition as well as jackals and hyenas or even vultures hoping to get a tasty bite at economic, financial, political and military fringes.

Against expectations or common belief, the American Empire may not suffer this hubris and learn to be compassionate, peaceful and non-invasive and hence survive if it can educate its people to understand themselves, their politics and the issues facing their culture and empire.



Paranoid Diplomacy

The hypothesis that individual paranoia is contagious has been proven as fact by very recent studies involving both the workers and the soldiers. 

Since, our colonies do not have a bourgeoisie or aristocracy except for our glorious queen and the puny males of very short lifespan whose sole reason of existence is to pleasure the miraculous Lady of the Shadows, it is fair to say that our culture has no emotions like love, hate and mental sickness such as greed, competition, violent behavior.

Our nestocracy is based on instinct and instinctive behavior that has not changed in more than a millennium  or even more, according to our archive clouds which are periodically consulted by the elder workers and soldiers and, sometimes, by a new young queen before she departs to establish her own nestocracy.

The deterioration of our generation started imperceptibly, after the appearance of a group of vicious looking large red cousins, followed by dusky large black ones. Our military scouts reported the sightings but no interference with the activities of our workers.

There was some consternation and confusion but nothing that could not be handled, until, a very large tribe of small yellow cousins poured out of a recently deposited mysterious wooden object with corners, nooks and crannies and dirty cloth clinging to some parts. They were famished, it appeared, and were not prepared to use precious energy and time to gather edibles in the usual ant-way. They were gatherer-eaters rather than gatherer-hoarders. Was this their nature or a result of circumstances, was not clear. But, it just was not acceptable.

(to be continued)

Saturday, June 25, 2022




an older man

standing at a windy corner


with each gust

talking to the wind

asking for ticket money

to take the bus somewhere


any other where

thinking of a small family

in a small house

somewhere with no wind 

I lent him the ticket fare 

and was blessed

next day

there was an elderly man

at same corner

doing a different shuffle

needing ticket fare 

for the bus home

to the same town

not too far

but very far

when you think of his need

in the wind

the same wind

making me shuffle my feet

told this story 

when I needed ticket fare

to take me home 

to my needs

so that I can part with them

and stop shuffling 

and tell the wind

I do not need any more


June 26, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022


Understanding a Nobel Winner's Neurons

Between Cornwall and Ireland

Cats are ansome

even the females

when they stretch and yawn 

in response to your greeting

in the morning 


totally fearless 

like the one in a box 

full of mysterious functions

yet immortal as other creatures

in many a multiverse

still and writhing to be discovered

and identified

and petted

and admired

ACC June 9, 2022

Sunday, June 5, 2022



Short Term Fortunes of Modern Nations: 1. United states

Profile photo for Ahmet Celebiler

Countries, lands and states cannot be a subject to a psychological concept.

Leaders and people may be humiliated but only if they and the public opinion of a larger group of people believe that. S&M does not apply to countries.

A government and people that believe they are empowered by their god and by their culture to always blame others, invade, manipulate, falsify. usurp, torture, kill, hate, punish their own country and people as well as other countries and peoples cannot be humiliated.

Humiliation can only be a label, tag or ruling by scholars after the demise of the empire just like most other anthropomorphic adjectives.

This has been true for all empires in history.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Longest Route


Distance Does not Correspond to Time

Traveling on paths and roads 

for years and decades

sometimes even centuries

may not get one to a target

or a discovery

counting steps and leaps 

naps and sleeps

do not predict 

the wear on shoe soles

and on the soul

Enjoying the landscape 

the fleeting glimpses of things

and creatures

and events 

is the aim 

No need to connect the pieces

Let the puzzle stay 

colorful and crowded

on a white tablecloth

to puzzle others 

other selves


in and out of mind

May 18, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


After Hunters Gatherers


Gatherer Hoarders

We gathered grass

and berries

mushrooms also

pictures of memories

were drawn

and taken

and stored

heirlooms and images


the berries and the mushrooms

picked, sorted


and hoarded 

for pride and posterity

Ahmet C. Celebiler

May 11, 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022


A  Quantum Mythology of The New Belief 

first there was a dream

a dream of a singularity

very anthropomorphic

as the only possibility

in the steady state universe


a curve of  zero energy 

not possible

like a baseball pitch

shaping the orb

the orb of animation

almost mostly 

always coming back to the curvature

of a boomerang 

in common nightmares of

black unicorns


replacing minotaurs in

a post operational brain

free of sub-sensual haematoma


able to visualize Zeus and Hera

undeterred by Hephaestus

A.C.C May 1. 2022




It is not history that repeats itself. It is political leaders and governments and the people who allow them their full use of ignorance, greed, lack of compassion and empathy and misconceptions, and then applaud when they misbehave.

History repeats itself is a very weak excuse for man’s inhumanity to man.

The big difference from the past is that, the last few centuries a small number of people in the world are aware of the causes of this inhumanity but do not have the knowhow and the power to banish it.

“Of all men's miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing.’

“ Herodotus”

aHMET c. cELEBILER    30 aPRIL 2022


 Why not go to war to settle our differences?

Profile photo for Ahmet Celebiler

It really depends on your definition and belief in what is just and what is not.

A stoic would consider no wars to be just.

A pataphysicist will consider your question and all wars as absurd.

A believer in an Abrahamic religion would tell you that the answer will depend on scripture and views of holy men/students of related texts.

An American would say any war waged to bring democracy and enlightenment to an inferior nation or peoples, or that advances American political and economic interests is just.

A vassal state or international organization and/or their leaders will support the views of the powerful and the side that it believes will bring future advantage to them.

All the proponents and opponents may cite history and religion and populistic beliefs to support their views and actions.

Both sides will manufacture false examples, lies and unrelated and illogical arguments in justification

Scholars will scratch their heads and not necessarily to fulfil their periodic dandruff quotas.

Friday, April 29, 2022



Trial by Osmosis, A Philosophical Investigation

Newborns and their mothers bond

spouses bond

huggers hope to bond

so do pets 

Bonding through the eight senses is common

bonding by osmosis

thought to be in realm of physics or chemistry

lately finding its place in sociology and psychology

as also  tested

through hugging

even slapping, scratching


physically and mentally

while awake

and during somnolence

It is, in fact,

a nocebo effect

of real and illusory


which can overcome 

most cases of hypochondry

with or without symptoms of neuropathy

Ahmet C.  

April 29, 2022

Saturday, March 19, 2022




Profile photo for Ahmet Celebiler

Do not confuse nationalism with patriotism. Nationalism is a political concept and applies to governments and the political system. As such, it is in the same categorization as communism, capitalism, liberalism, etc. A person cannot show their nationalism or socialism. To be nationalistic is a different matter and is no different than being racist or a chauvinist.

Patriotism, on the other hand, means commitment to the ideals, beliefs, emotions and aims regarding the interests of your country as specified by the founders, the politicians who followed, the educational system which indoctrinated the youth and the propaganda machine which promulgated the adherence of the citizens so that they will be willing to sacrifice themselves, their families and property for the published “good of the state” sometimes meaning, the good of an elite, the good of politicians, the good of certain organizations……so that they can have a real or symbolic place at a special cemetery, having fulfilled their missions.

The best you can do to show your nationalism as a student is to wave the flag of your country at any opportunity, learn the names of all high level government officials and make obeisance to them in public.

Showing patriotism requires that you enlist in the military or a militia, or a vigilante group and that you argue vehemently and sometimes violently at every occasion that your country and your way of life  is the best of all possible ones, past, present and future, or you may prefer a clandestine organization with similar activities.

PS. These are not class notes and were never disclosed in any college course.

Monday, March 7, 2022



Originally posted as responses to Quora questions

1. How are you going to show the sense of nationalism to your country?

Nationalism has no basis in rational thought, human psychology and value for scientific or educational development.

2. Should every country become self-reliant

No country can be self-reliant economically or politically. The rich countries need poorer countries for their raw materials and cheap labor and as markets for their industry.

The strong countries need politically weak ones to boss, to control and to assist them in achieving their diplomatic and militaristic aims.

The strong countries also experiment with social engineering and propaganda using their puppets in the weaker countries and the ignorance of the general population.

It is true that all of the above is temporary as human history goes, but there were always the exploited and the exploiters, the subjects and the law makers. Their descriptions change but not their characters. ethics, beliefs and self-righteousness which remain the same.

Friday, March 4, 2022



Some Romans,

citizens in Rome 

where meeting roads cause traffic jams

or citizenship seekers 

possibly lining up at gates of a civil office

not housing priceless art


even with asylum


false hope and belief

in their mien and faith

for temporary illusory freedom 

And forgetting them for a moment or two

we continued looking for some Final Puzzle Pieces

 joined by slaves of our own making 

who searched on and under tables,

searched in folds of table cloth  and on carpets

tried dark corners of boxes

and darker corners through cataracts

spiralling towards a nuclear whole of unknown dimensions

that even Madam Sosostris could not see in her cards

which, to tell the truth, actually were the missing pieces

of the eternal puzzle that no citizen or refugee or slave 

will recognize, understand or solve.

ahmet Celebiler

March 4, 2022

Notes : Some of our travels took us to Rome where we argued family

membershop in EU; to Madrid where we mistook a queue of refugees for 

admision seekers to a minor museum; and back to The Wasteland where

non-terracotta armies actually fight for unfathomable reasons and black holes 

devour time crystals while T.S. Elliott talks to us of fortunes, family and cats.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Politicians are not born but bred through painstaking education, training and the use of mirrors. This does not make them magicians but very susceptible to even the most inexperienced master of illusion, sometimes referred to as "Master of Lies" and its minions who own, manage and work for interest groups.

 Politicians , by definition, cannot have habits (even those that are worn)

Also there is usually nothing peculiar about them. The breed has been examined, investigated and studied for thousands of years, even before any of the social sciences were developed.

Their main undisclosed duty seems to be to make life miserable for humanity and to destroy the physical world humanity needs to survive.

They can mobilize ignorant, selfish, and greedy people through rhetoric, propaganda, control of the educational system and the media, and un-questioned belief systems using funds from vested interests and those they can usurp.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

An Incident at the Eastern European Rift ( or the Bear River Bridge)


An Incident at the Eastern European Rift (or the Bear River Bridge)

A day before the Uncaring Sun Rose at Nicaea

Do some regret their contribution to the fall of the USSR  and the resulting global issues?

The Western culture does not like the words, ‘regret’ ‘responsibility’ ‘compassion’ In fact, almost all leaders in the world, and all the governments and political elites which survived one or more decades were totally Machiavellian in belief, if not thought.

So the powers that are do not regret either contributing to the fall of USSR or Iran or Libya or Iraq or Syria, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan or the deaths of millions and the waste of huge amounts of scarce resources while they achieved these targets, because they do not shoulder any responsibility. “It had to be done” “It was politically or economically expedient” We owe it to our forefathers,” “It was worth the sacrifice” (whose sacrifice?) and on and on and on with the rhetoric.

This is true for even the so called more civilized countries of the world and their governments. “What a pity! But there was nothing we could do. “They had it coming” “look at what they did to…………….………….in the past.”

People being who they are, the Powers, also and easily find indigenous populations in those regions who can be bought or conned, or taught or engineered to follow and contribute to the disastrous and short-sighted strategies and tactics and who will be happy to use all the logical fallacies available to justify their lack of intellect, knowledge and compassion.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

Iznik, Feb 26, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022



New philosophy, sociology, Politics and psychology of  Power in the 21st Century

Politics creates vacuums to be filled in unexpected, unsuspected and unmanageable ways.

No two of these vacuums have similar dimensions. Even with similar dimensions, their volumes will not be same.

Filling a political or cultural vacuum is not a science. 

Filling a political vacuum in an ethical (as defined by different value systems) manner results in untreatable cognitive discrepancy .

FI - FO  does not operate in storing of ideas, values, attitudes in political vacuums.

The contents of political vacuums may not be friendly to each other, but all will interact and survive.

One does not need to go as far as Syria and Afghanistan. United States, UK, Ukraine, Russia  and France are recent examples.

Unfortunately neither antique nor modern history can come up with  reasonable  or even arguable  reasons for this state of affairs.

Ahmet C. Celebiler

February 14, 2022

Sunday, January 9, 2022



"Postmodernist philosophers, in general, argue that truth is always contingent on historical and social context rather than being absolute and universal—and that truth is always partial and "at issue" rather than being complete and certain." Wikipedia


It seems today that al those posts and their anchors and buttresses were rotten and crumbling inside even before they were plagiarized.  But destroying is always thought to be easy, while replacing formerly imposing edifices not so simple. Yet, it may come to pass that one day there will be a reconstruction with many more posts.

These are just approaches to discussing “what”, “why” and “how”. They could have had some major benefits in addition to some architectural and literary works, if their proponents were not so destructive of commonly held views, beliefs, knowledge, thought and activities. Not enough was created to replace that which was destroyed.

Denying the authority of science and seemingly accepting and following nihilistic ideas eventually allowed the followers of post modernism to support those beliefs which were based on denying the reality of science and the benefits of the scientific method, leading to political problems, major power intervention on regional and national governance, as well as sterile definitions of well-being, joy, despair, entertainment, utility and ambition.

We have entered a disruptive and dystopic age of pre dissonance en route to new posts and moderns.

Ahmet Cafer Celebiler

January 9. 2021

Wednesday, January 5, 2022



Research Ideas on the Pataphysics of a Pandemic Stricken World


Life With Vaccines

Origins. growth and the mystique of pataphysics. An unperceived dominance in politics and a heretical religious behavior.

Existentialism in the Twenty first Century, An Unseen Intellectual Pandemic in Search of a New Philosophical Approach leading to Possible Vaccination.

Is the Human Brain capable of intellectually perceiving and functioning in view of current realities without remedial assistance?

The obliterated mind in a viral physical and emotional environment/context