Tuesday, November 1, 2022




 A philosopher tries to put a small number of major issues in context and passively solve them in his mind. He is passionate only in his mind which is very difficult to appease. The difficulty of defining issues of human life and thought which have been dominating human mind and life and understand all their earlier delineations while attempting to find original solutions is a never ending process for the philosopher.

 An intelletual has a wider range of thought and issues and believes he can and has solved them as fas as they impinge on his life and thought. He does not feel the need to broadcast his views and prove or defend his conclusions. This whole process is not motivated by profit or desire for power and dominance, therefore he can be easily satisfied with what he knows and has done.

A politician is driven by a desire to acquire and hold power, dominance and recognition by any means he finds acceptable to his ethics and abilities. His understanding of life and humans is purely pragmatic, involvings means of manipulation which may not be truely altruistic or based on facts and knowledge.


          November 1, 2022

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