Eser does not like it when I become pedantic in everyday behavior.
But, once in a while, i cannot help but write short pieces like the following.
This is the first edition of an unedited toy train of thought on a circular track :
That humans are smart is an assumption based on the beliefs, knowledge and thinking of some other humans, who would like to believe this assumption is fact.
History, literature and politics prove otherwise. Scientific analysis, investigation and logic become valid instruments only after assumptions and observations are formulated and then are mistakenly accepted as fact.
In sociological, psychological and political context, ethical, compassionate and logical behavior is usually based on social contracts formulated by a few “smart’ persons who were interested in protecting their families, wealth, position, tribes, nations, football clubs, etc. against typical idiotic behavior of humans in general. Whether the rules and conditions of these social contracts (which vary according to cultural context) are universal or valid for all humans is a moot point.
It is up to you as a thinker to follow Sextus Empiricus, Macchiavelli, Voltaire or Alfred Jarry and Eugene Ionesco, non of which will classify you as smart or stupid in the absence of a valid yardstick.