Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Letter Accumulation

I have collected Words with meaning

 words of many letters

 in dictionaries

 or in fictionaries

 How will they survive

 in this chaotic hive

when they are no longer alive

 If I have departed

 with my collection unfeted

and their creator disregarded

 ACC Dec.31.20


Expectations are like senses; of touch, smell, sight, sound and taste. They are the sauces and spices of both fleeting and enduring thoughts. An event, an acquisition. a behavior, a sentence, a gesture a movement of the eyes or hands can be disregarded, misregarded or unrecognized when they were meant to respond to a perceived expectation. Similarly, no word, sign or action may be produced in response to an expectation that has come and gone in time and space unrecognized, un-categorized and deemed unworthy of notice like many a person produces and meets during a meet or a give-and-take of sorts. When life is life and you are you, you do not formulate logical expectations, consequences, results of ideas, values, thoughts, beliefs, cultural identities that are unforgivenly based on assumptions, sand mines and watery holes dependent on meteorological. geological, divinely behavioral phenomena. You do not need to. They occur by themselves independent of you. Your task is to make the best of the cards dealt to you, alone and/or in partnership with your cosmos.

Sunday, December 27, 2020


Oldum olalı ilginç. bulduğum, zeki olduguna inandığıim tanıdıklarım hakkında kafa yorarım.

Belki yasamlarımız, belki merak ve değerlerimiz, belki algılanan menfaatlerimiz, belki çelişki ve gizli rekabetlerimiz aynı ortamlarda bulunmamızı engelledi. İyi mi oldu kötü mü bilmiyorum ama ilgim ve merakım azalmadigi gibi düşüncelerimden de çıkmadin..

Son hafta, beyin ameliyati ile biraz daha düşünüp aşağıdakini yazdim.birisi icin. 

Kendime göre böyle tanımışım. Gizemler insanlar icin değerlidir. Umarım, konu aktörü, "Bu herif neden boyle düşünmüş " diyerek kendi iç carklarini, bağlantısız bağğğlantılarını, ağlarini, rezistanslarını, devrelerini bir daha gözden gecirmek ister belki kendinden saklanmadan.

İnsanlar kar tanesi gibi olamazlar, her iki cinsin benzer olmadıkları, kendi içlerinde bilimsel ve felsefi  ve şamanistik uygulamalarla saptanmıştır. Bu cinslerin biri sıvı alıp verirler. Diğeri ise kabuk değiştirme uzmanıdırlar.

Tür, tür benzersizlikler içinden, benzersizliği çok aşina olmayanlar çıkar. Göze çarpmayı sevmeden, göz ucundan sıvışıp algılamayan gözlerden kayıp olurlar, kar taneleri gibi erimeseler bile.

Tanınmak, anlanmak açıklanmayan amaçlarına, gerçek mesleklerine uymaz. Mutluluk tanımları ise ne tanınmaya, ne anlanmaya uyar. Nedense mutsuzluk tanımları ile farklı oldukları belli belirsizdir.

Tanımlamaların ne denli zararlı olduğunu yaşayan bu insanlar, en yoğun kar tanelerinden daha yoğundurlar, yarım hayatları radyoaktif izotoplar gibidirler.

Hep vardırlar; iyi ki de vardırlar.

ahmet cafer celebiler (Hemmed Effendi)

26 Aralik, 2020

On being Sure


If demand can be stretched as a woven elastic belt 

to fit all waist sizes from 26 to 44,

from teens to years many score, 

and if supply filled all cells

 frontal and temporal,

 there would be no room for new thoughts,  likes, dislikes, ideas, 

inventions, scents and other senses.

And Darwin would no more evolve.

It would only be primordial swamp

 and effluvium 

and all beings teetering 

on stilts of certainty.

December 26, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020


 Bazı şeyler aklından geçer insanın, su gibi, hisler, fikirler gibi.

Ama başından geçmezler, akıl baştadır lafını geçersiz kılmak istercesine.

Çoğu zaman bu baştan geçirilecekler başın çok yakınına gelirler, turnosol kağıdı koysan rengini değiştirecek kadar hatta. Ama her baş o yakınlığı algılamaz, algılamayı uygun görmez. O, renkler, desenler, değerler kişinin  yaşam inançlarına, tanımlarına ters gelir. Yaşamın anlamı olup olmadığı bazen ahret,  bazen mahrem ile açıklanır. Fakat  anlamı ve amaç akla ve başa gelenlerle ölçülmez, tartılmaz.  Bu işi yapacak olan tartının ölçekleri, ağırlıkları, terazi dengesi ne astrolojik bir işaretde, ne de hukuk tanımında değildir.

Her canlının doğum ve yaşam hakkı ülkemiz insanı için kabul edilmiş  hak olmadığı gibi.

Ameliyat 19.12.2020
Yazı 26.12.2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020



çocukluğumun sokak satıcıları





                     omuzlarda asılı

  omuzlar düşük


erken yaşlı

halâ yaşlı

   sırıklar eğri

   omuzlar eğri

tepsiler tablalar yarı dolu

hepsi satılmadan dönmezler

satmasınlar istiyorum

    eve dönmesinler

       benim omuzlarımda



ACC Aralık 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020



children love keys

in locks

on a box  

on the piano

or a clarinet, contra-alto

till they become short elegies

their mysteries 

like trees on Mars

in an age 

disappearing with age


used up

in tatters

when nothing much matters

except the warmth of stars



Sunday, November 29, 2020



Vows do not make a sum bigger than its parts.

A field of Two Individuals is not A matrix

Two numbers added are no more than squiggles

Many thoughts together is mambo jumbo

So why do homing ants clean house every year?

And nesting penguins did not visit us this year?


november 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020




I think I once was Marc Anthony

Whistling a soliloquy

Wantonly on a quay

In Alexandroupoli

Waiting for Cleopatry 

With no concern for philopatry

November, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Eser does not like it when I become pedantic in everyday behavior.

But, once in a while, i cannot help but write  short pieces like the following.

This is the first edition of an unedited toy train of thought on a circular track :

That humans are smart is an assumption based on the beliefs, knowledge and thinking of some other humans, who would like to believe this assumption is fact.

History, literature and politics prove otherwise. Scientific analysis, investigation and logic become valid instruments only after assumptions and observations are formulated and then are mistakenly accepted as fact.

In sociological, psychological and political context, ethical, compassionate and logical behavior is usually based on social contracts formulated by a few “smart’ persons who were interested in protecting their families, wealth, position, tribes, nations, football clubs, etc. against typical idiotic behavior of humans in general. Whether the rules and conditions of these social contracts (which vary according to cultural context) are universal or valid for all humans is a moot point.

It is up to you as a thinker to follow Sextus Empiricus, Macchiavelli, Voltaire or Alfred Jarry and Eugene Ionesco, non of which will classify you as smart or stupid in the absence of a valid yardstick.




Monday, October 5, 2020





there is a depository

of thought

built betwixt clouds

          thoughts thought

thoughts Thought and thought Lost



along pathways

          And webways

lit by stars

         Or decals of stars

tiny pricks of awe



the half life

of the Perpetual apocalypse

of this

           and of another

other dimension

          disappeared into


gaping maws of inconsequentiality

         in Technicolor




Friday, May 8, 2020


Not Everyone Recognizes the Enemy

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
(Oliver Hazard Perry 1813)  (Walt Kelly, after poster on Earth Day, 1970)

Açıklama: Image

History of all fabled and unnarrated times tell us that humans frequently damage themselves, their environment, friends, loved ones, relationships of all types, countries, neighbors, political parties, institutions, organizations, employers, employees, spouses, progeny, armies, ambitions, livelihood and lives unknowingly, unintentionally, ignorantly.

Nobody escapes this predicament; sages and professors, learned and unlearned ones, benign  devotees or vicious despots, sinners and angels, my parents and my daughters.

Some of the damage reminds one of the story of the old Japanese shadow puppet entertainer told at the end of a favorite book, “Quinn’s Shanghai Circus” by Edward Whittemore. Some is more earthshaking, with multiple tremors and ripple effects which can only be offset in an alternate universe tale.

Heeded warnings are forgotten even in most fairy tales. Unheeded ones are taught in text books, sometimes to tell new generations of scholars the wisdom of old sages, philosophers, wits, unforgotten writers of humanity and life, mostly to be learned but not to be heeded once again and again and again.

I cannot tell if it is a psychological or neurological issue, a built in self-destructive neuron network that formats thought or values/ beliefs that can be energized to frame a series of behavioral associations leading to uncharted territory. I can only surmise that warps in space time continuum and the activity or dormancy of time crystals may have something to do with this observation.

At any moment or cross section on the warp, humans are mistreating their loved ones, endangering their careers, mistreating their voters or workers, damaging their immediate environment and their instruments, ignoring their future health and happiness and joy and survival. 

Hazily realized mistakes  transform into regrets to lead to other actions and similar or different regrets. A lifetime of lessons learned and forgotten, regrets regretted and forlorn.

Chances, possibilities, probabilities, risks are not easily discerned. And when they are believed to have been understood, one searches for a coin to flip. Ignorance of statisticians and mathematicians were made famous by Ms. M. vos Savant (after her 1990 column on a variation of the Monty Hall problem.) (also, “Why Flip a Coin,”  W.H. Lewis)

Whether one is a practitioner of flippism or follower of “Madman Theory” it is difficult to place or presage beyond the Tom Stoppard approach in “Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead” (play or film)

Others like Bernard Black in “Black Books” can get away with, “It's an impossible choice. I'll just have to hope when I flip the coin, it somehow explodes and kills me.” To others, it is a slow death and not easily attributed to a decision tree toppling down due to pestilence or tempest or a misguided logger.

In the Corona year 2020 of our good Lord, we sacrifice our precious bodily fluids, unearned freedoms, face uncalculated dangers for our ambitions, greed,  pockets, loved ones, unloved companions and continue to believe that we are better than extinct species which survived much longer than humanity.

ACC. May 2020

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Biting Edges of Physics & Self Aggrandizement


“A ​time crystal​ or space-​time crystal​ is a structure that repeats in ​time​, as well as in space. Normal three-dimensional ​crystals​ have a repeating pattern in space, but remain unchanged as ​time​ passes. ​Time crystals​ repeat themselves in ​time​ as well, leading the ​crystal​ to change from moment to moment.”*

Time crystals
Once and always aglitter
Concentric or maybe eccentric
To each other
Digested by black holes
to spill out
and appear for you
As local bubbles
One of these years
Yet never
In dreams

Of Pliocene
Apropos of another bang
Of a time crystal
Life years away
Light years of memories far
A plague for some
A fruit Garden of Eden for humanity

Epics are pictures
Of personal Pleistocene
In dreams
Of dreams
Bereft of humor
Frequently phantomizing
Times of horror
Numbed by
Cramped by
Ruled by
Impersonal inhibitors

Each dream
Each wish
Every hope
Lost in epics
Of epics
And placed
Among your very own
Cherished and
Easily vanished
Hoard of
Time crystals

Ahmet C. Celebiler
April 23, 2020

PhD defense of Lei Liao
“Space-time crystals and analogue Black Holes in Bose-Einstein condensates”

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Einstein's Theory Personified


"Gravity is the curvature of spacetime"

When the future is nigh
Today is still the day
And tomorrow

It’s time to declare
Write and swear
By Smith and Corona
In hazy triplicate

(Note: Having used carbon And paper Of those times
Letters fall through holes Of the ribbon 


Then, melt the wax
Sign and seal with a ring
Any ring
Always a ring with a promise
To care to be always there

Given during a moment
Seen through holes 
Stamped by a moth
mole or a family


A shadow sits
Reading the missive
Wax seal dark, whole and forbidden
Enjoying a retro vintage dinner
Images rustling rushing or halcyon
Another warp in history


February 6, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Leaf or Two For Me and You

A Leaf or Two For Me and You

Grape leaves cover less

But for morality may suffice

Yet the artist always chose

Fig leaves that abrase

Knowing neither will stay