(Written after another union of the minds, in the eye of the storm)
Disappearing does not help much. Memories of those frequent minor
catastrophic times grow out of proportion in frequency and severity unlike
their natural relatives or accidents.
Staying quiet is taken to mean you belittle her unhappiness, while
consolation is regarded as condescension.
Do not ever try to buy her off with an immediate present. An expensive one
will remind her of the time(s) you had vetoed expenditures because of tight
budgets. A cheap present will make her feel cheap and even more unloved.
Attempting to talk about the good old times of sharing months, years or
decades of good times, adventures, children, success stories or goofs, reminds
her that all that is now in the past and will never happen again because you
are old, a grouch, insensitive, egotistical, unloving, not the same person,
sick, disgusting, hateful, difficult, uncaring, self-centered, lazy, depressed,
diabetic, obese, with bad eye-sight, with too many implants, and so on and on.
Waiting a while and trying to get her to discuss plans for a new vacation,
a visit to children, a new venture which may help the financial or emotional
coffers almost always also backfires. If she is unhappy with her present lot
which has you in it why should a future with a great deal of more of you cheer
her up or even interest her?
Can you supply a young prince charming to take her out of the dumps? Never.
You should never even consider this. This would be the worst affront and insult
to a loyal spouse whose loyalty can be the subject of thousands of romances
from time immemorial.
The best solution that I have been able to find in all my experience and
thirty odd years of marriage is to arrange for a close friend, another woman,
who has had similar or worse experiences with another detestable male, to call
her for a longish session of talks about life and misery. It helps if this
friend has told her a number of times in the past, "Your husband has some
redeeming features, but, honestly, I cannot understand how you can stand his
holier than thou and know-it-all attitude."